Utilization of GIS Model Mapping to Detect Fault Segments in Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin


  • Zeyad Jameel Al-Saedi Dr. Zeyad Jameel Al-Saedi, National Center for Water Resources Management, IRAQ




Drainage pattern, Fault lines, GIS Model, Lineament, Lithological contact


The Mesopotamia Basin is widely recognized as a significant aggradation geomorphological entity, characterized by  the dominance of fluvial, lacustrine, and aeolian landforms. The geographical scope of this study spans a specific  region within the Mesopotamian Basin, specifically including Nasiriyah and Basrah located in the southern region  of Iraq. It comprises a collection of Joint and fault systems that serve as indicators of various tectonic occurrences  that have influenced the Arabian plate from the pre-Cambrian era up till the present day. The major goal of this  model is to mapping and detects fault segments to get information about the large faults existing which is not  recognized by prior work. A Geographic Information System (GIS) model was employed to create three digital  layers, namely Lineament, drainage patterns, and lithological contact. These layers were established using several  sources of information. The initial step of the GIS demonstration includes the input information, and the subsequent  includes the selection of the equation for this model to specify the vulnerability of faulting segments in the research  sector. Moderate to large lineaments (fault lines) were identified the results suggest an additional (26,15) new fault  segment line numbers for the areas Nasiriyah and Basrah respectively which were not known by the fault map over  the research sector, these fault lines reflect crustal structures (large length lineaments), as well as analysis  lineaments from satellite images, enables obtaining a miscellany of terrain applications, such as the selection of  landfill sites, determining terrain stability, dam sites, and many other applications 


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observed in the study area. These fault lines do not correspond to any fault lines depicted in the tectonic map utilized in the research framework. It is possible that these newly identified fault lines, as indicated by the model employed in this study, represent surface manifestations of previously unknown fault locations within the research sector. This suggests that the implementation of the applicable model proved to be successful in identifying linear characteristics, such as fault lines, within the specified regions of interest. The findings suggest the inclusion of additional fault segments, specifically (26, 15), in the fault line numbers for the regions of Nasiriyha and Basrah. These segments were not previously identified in the fault map used for the study area. From satellite images, enables obtaining a miscellany of terrain applications, such as the selection of landfill sites, dam sites, and many other applications, but the most effective are those related with water resources management.

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How to Cite

Al-Saedi, Z. J. (2023). Utilization of GIS Model Mapping to Detect Fault Segments in Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 42(2), 219-233. https://doi.org/10.48165/bpas.2023.42F.2.5