Geomorphology and Morphometry of the Uttar Mand River Basin, Satara District, Maharashtra, India


  • M R Gaikwad Department of Geology, G.B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Art’s and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar Dist. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India
  • D D Kulkarni School of Earth Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur, Maharashtra - 413255, India



Uttar Mand River Basin, Morphometric Parameters, Geomorphology, watershed management, Satara District


In the present investigation various morphometric parameters of the Uttar Mand river basin are outlined. The  Survey of India Toposheet numbers 47 G/15, 47 K/3 on the scale of 1: 50,000 were used for the present study.  Stream ordering method as suggested by the Strahler has been employed. According to morphometric analysis of the  Uttar Mand river basin, it is a fifth-order basin that is transitioning from an early mature to an older stage of the  fluvial geomorphic cycle. The drainage pattern of the basin is dendritic in nature. A particular order's mean channel  segment length is more than the next lower order but less than the next higher order. The relationship between  stream order and mean stream length provides a group of points that lie roughly along a curve line, indicating that  the area is not subject to severe structural influence.  


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How to Cite

Gaikwad, M. R., & Kulkarni, D. D. (2024). Geomorphology and Morphometry of the Uttar Mand River Basin, Satara District, Maharashtra, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 42(2), 168-186.