Polyaniline Nanofiber Embedded with Y2O3 Composites Doped with Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid, Characterization and Electrical Properties


  • K B Satishkumar Department of Chemistry, Acharya Institute of Technology, Achith Nagar, Soladevanahalli, Bangalore 560 107, India.
  • T K Vishnuvardhan Department of Chemistry, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Peenya Campus, Bangaluru 560 058, India
  • Shashidhar Department of Chemistry, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad580 002 India.
  • M V Murugendrappa Department of Physics, BMS College of Engineering, Bull Temple Road, Bangaluru 560 019, India.
  • B Rajashekhar Department of Chemistry, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad580 002 India.




Mushroom, Yttrium oxide, Combustion synthesis, electrical conductivity, Solution combustion synthesis dielectric constant


Polymer nanocomposites of polyaniline  nanofiber/Green synthesized Y2O3 (Pani/Gs  Y2O3) are synthesized by in situ polymerization  using dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid as a  surfactant media. The Gs Y2O3 is dispersed in 1,  3, 5 and 7 weight percentages in Pani to give  Pani/Gs Y2O3 composites. The Pani/Gs Y2O3 composites are characterized by Ultra Violet,  Infra-Red spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction  techniques. The SEM and TEM image shows the  fibrous morphology of the composite. Pani  nanofiber/5%Gs Y2O3 nanocomposites show  highest frequency dependent conductivity,  dielectric constant and dielectric loss Properties  at room temperature. Such a polymer composites  have EMI shielding, sensor and battery  applications. 


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How to Cite

Polyaniline Nanofiber Embedded with Y2O3 Composites Doped with Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid, Characterization and Electrical Properties . (2019). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry , 38(2), 158-170. https://doi.org/10.48165/