Surface tension investigation of ternary system: Copper surfactants - 2-amino-6-chloro benzothiazole complex, benzene and methanol at 311 K


  • Arun Kumar Sharma Department of Chemistry, Govt. P.G. College, Jhalawar-326001, Rajasthan, India
  • Rashmi Sharma Department of Chemistry, Govt. P.G. College, Jhalawar-326001, Rajasthan, India
  • Antima Gangwal Department of Chemistry, S.P.C. Govt. College, Ajmer-305001 Rajasthan, India



Surfactants, Caprylate, Caprate, laurate, 2-amino, 6-chloro benzothiazole


Colloidal and micellar characterization of Cu (II)  soap complex solutions in benzene + methanol  mixture has been studied and analysed by  measuring density and surface tension  parameters. This study confirms that CMC values  depend upon solvent mixture composition and it  is observed that CMC decrease with increase in  chain length of copper surfactant (caprylate,caprate and laurate). It has also been affected by  the polarity of the solvents as non- polar benzene  and polar methanol were taken to analyze this  effect. Szyszkowski’s empirical equation has been  successfully applied to our referred system and it  is found that the change in the behaviour of  copper surfactant complex carried out at definite  concentrations in different compositions of  solvent mixture. It is also observed that the  parachore of soaps solution increases with the  mole fraction of the copper surfactant complex. The results show that there is justification in  applying Hammic and Andrew’s equation to  these complex solutions in benzene methanol  mixtures. 


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How to Cite

Surface tension investigation of ternary system: Copper surfactants - 2-amino-6-chloro benzothiazole complex, benzene and methanol at 311 K . (2019). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry , 38(2), 115-127.