Synthesis and anticorrosion study of bio-based polyurethane coatings


  • Amardip M Patil School of Chemical Sciences, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon Maharashtra 425001, India



Biobased polyol resin, polyurethane coating, corrosion, electrochemical property, TGA


In the present work, bio-based polyol resin was  prepared from the non-edible castor oil with  reaction of diethanol amine. The prepared polyol  was utilized in polyurethane synthesis by using  different types of diisocynates. The spectral study  of synthesized polyol was performed by FTIR. The prepared polyurethanes were coated on mild  steel panel and glass plate. The coating properties  such as gloss, corrosion, electrochemical,  mechanical properties were performed on mild  steel plates. While coating films were obtained by  peeling out from glass plates. TGA of coated  films was performed for their thermal stability. 


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How to Cite

Synthesis and anticorrosion study of bio-based polyurethane coatings . (2019). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry , 38(1), 33-39.