Volumetric and viscometric studies of copper soap urea complex derived from various vegetable oils in methanol benzene mixture.


  • Arun Kumar Sharma Department of Chemistry, Govt. P.G. College, Jhalawar-326001, Rajasthan, India
  • Meenakshi Saxena Department of Chemistry, S.D. Govt. College, Beawar-305901, Rajasthan, India
  • Rashmi Sharma Department of Chemistry, S.P.C. Govt. College, Ajmer-305001 Rajasthan, India




Cu(II) soap urea complex, edible oils, soap- solvent interaction, CMC, density and viscosity


The density and viscosity of Cu (II) soap urea  complex derived from four edible oils (mustard,  groundnut, sesame, soyabean) in non-aqueous  solvents of varying composition has been  determined at constant temperature. The results  were used to determine the critical micelle  concentration (CMC), soap-solvent interactions  and the effect of chain length of the soap urea  complex molecule on various parameters. The  CMC values in higher volume % of methanol are  higher those in higher volume % of benzene, with  regards to chain length of the soap urea complex  CMC value follow the order: CSoU>CSeU> CGU > CMU The conclusions with regard to soap- urea  complex and soap- solvent interaction have been  discussed in terms of well-known Masson’s and  Jones- Dole equations. This vital information  plays an important role in various industrial and  biological applications. 


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Meenakshi Saxena



How to Cite

Volumetric and viscometric studies of copper soap urea complex derived from various vegetable oils in methanol benzene mixture . (2019). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry , 38(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.48165/