Role of Iso Amyl Alcohol (IAA) on CO2O3 Catalysed Autoxidation of SO2 in Atmospheric Water


  • S Begam Department of Chemistry Govt. P. G. College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan 326001, India
  • F Hussain Department of Chemistry Govt. P. G. College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan 326001, India
  • P S N Prasad Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry Govt. P. G. College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan 326001, India



Kinetics, Autoxidation, SO2, CO2O3, Catalysis, Inhibition, IAA


The kinetics of the iso amyl alcohol inhibited  CO2O3 catalysed autoxidation of sulfur (IV) in  alkaline medium has been studied and based on  the observed results rate law and a free radical  mechanism has been proposed.  


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How to Cite

Role of Iso Amyl Alcohol (IAA) on CO2O3 Catalysed Autoxidation of SO2 in Atmospheric Water . (2020). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry , 39(1), 38-49.