Physicochemical and Biological Characteristics of Two Wetlands in Dhampur


  • Navneet Kumar Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh 244001, India.



Physico-chemical, Biological, Wetland, Hydrological Cycle


Wetlands serve as important natural resources and play a major eco-hydrological role in  environmental management. A methodical study has been carried out to estimate physico-chemical  characteristics of the selected wetlands of Dhampur which is situated 17 km away from bank of  Ramganga River. It is one of the tehsil of district Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh India and comes under  Moradabad division. We conducted investigation to evaluate the physicochemical and biological  characteristics of wetlands in Dhampur. During investigation, ten physico-chemical water quality  parameters have been analyzed. In Dhampur around 6 wetland are present where water is combining  with soil. It is present in saturated form by surface of ground water. Hydrological cycle is most  important example of wetland. In the study of wetland we measure the properties of water like  physical or chemical property as turbidity pH value and temperature.  


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How to Cite

Physicochemical and Biological Characteristics of Two Wetlands in Dhampur . (2021). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry , 40(2), 70-73.