The effects of Growth Media on Germination and Early Seedling Development of Annona Muricata Linn.


  • C A Dada Department of Science Laboratory Technology (Biotechnology option), Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti.
  • J Kayode Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti
  • S Arowosegbe Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti.



Growth media, Germination, Seedling developmenT, Medicinal plant, Annona muricata


Annona muricata Linn is one of the highly valued medicinal plants. Present  study was subjected to six media viz: Top soil + sawdust, river sand + top  soil, river sand + sawdust, sawdust only, top soil only and river sand only  (control). Percentage germination (%), plant height (cm), number of leaves  per plant, stem girth (cm) and leaf area (cm2) were determined for three  months. The results revealed that the highest mean germination of 80% was  recorded in seeds sown in river sand + sawdust medium. While seeds sown  in river sand + top soil and those sown on top soil only gave the same  percentage of 40% which were the least percentage germination recorded.  The results of this study also showed that seedlings planted on top soil only  has the highest mean height of 19.12cm, leaf production of 11.33, stem girth  of 1.50cm and leaf area of 31.20cm2. This was followed by the seedlings  planted on river sand + top soil medium with mean height, number of  leaves, stem girth and leaf area of 17.78cm, 10.83, 1.32cm and 17.81cm2 respectively. While the least seedling development was recorded in  seedlings planted on river sand only which gave mean plant height, leaves  production, stem girth and leaf area of 6.42cm, 3.67, 0.52cm and 9.8cm2 respectively at three months after planting. It is therefore opined that river  sand +sawdust was the most effective growth medium for enhancing best  seed germination while top soil only was the most effective growth medium  for enhancing best seedling development in Annona muricata Linn


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How to Cite

Dada, C. A., Kayode, J., & Arowosegbe, S. (2019). The effects of Growth Media on Germination and Early Seedling Development of Annona Muricata Linn . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 38(1), 49-55.