Molecular Markers for the Detection of Variability of Wilt Pathogen in Groundnut


  • S Vasumathi Kalasingam University, Krishnankovil, Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu 626001, India.
  • P Ahila Devi National Pulses Research centre, vamban, Pudukottai District, Tamil Nadu 622 303, India.



Tamil Nadu, F. oxysporum, RAPD, Microconidia, Groundnut wilt


A survey was conducted in major groundnut growing areas of Tamil Nadu  for the occurrence of Fusarium wilt of groundnut and wilt incidence was  observed up to 66.00 per cent in the district. In pathogenicity tests,  characteristic symptoms of wilt were observed under glass house condition.Of the five isolates tested for their cultural characters, I1 showed a faster  growth rate of 1.29 cm/day. The isolates varied in morphological features  and all of them produced microconidia, macroconidia and  chalamydospores. Using RAPD markers the genetic similarity among the  five isolates of F. oxysporum infecting groundnut was studied and the  similarity was observed between 27 to 55% indicating high variability  among the isolates. 


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How to Cite

Vasumathi , S., & Devi, P. A. (2020). Molecular Markers for the Detection of Variability of Wilt Pathogen in Groundnut . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 39(2), 77-83.