Morpho-Anatomical Study of Leaves of Adhatoda vasica L. and Sambucus hookeri L. Growing in Kathmandu, Nepal


  • Ratna Silwal Gautam Department of Botany, Patan Multiple Campus Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu Nepal
  • Belai Meeta Suwal Sing Department of Botany, Patan Multiple Campus Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu Nepal



Urban vegetatioN, Air pollution, Morphology, Anatomy


Urban vegetation acts as eco-sustainable filter for air pollution of the city. The foliar  surface of urban roadside plants acts as a sink for particulate matter depositions  which affects the morphological, physiological, anatomical and biochemical  properties of leaves. This study aims to find out the morphological and anatomical  differences of leaves of Adhatoda vasica and Sambucus hookeri plants growing in  two different regions of Kathmandu. Measurement of leaf morphological and  anatomical parameters was performed for the comparative study. The study showed  that the leaf length, the leaf breadth and the leaf area in Adhatoda vasica were found  more in the leaves from ringroad area than the raniban area. The leaf dry mass  content was found less in the leaves from ringroad area than the raniban area. In  Sambucus hookeri, the leaf length, leaf breadth and leaf dry mass content were  found more in the ringroad area than the raniban area. The leaf area in the leaves  from the ringroad area was found less than the leaves of the raniban area. The  stomata frequency in the peel from lower surface of leaf was found less in the both  Adhatoda vasica and Sambucus hookeri from the ringroad area than the leaves from  the raniban area. Thickness of the cuticle, length and breadth of the epidermal cell  were found more in the leaves of plant growing in the ringroad than the raniban  area. The thickness of palisade and the thickness of spongy parenchyma layers were  found no different in the both study sites of these two plants. 


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How to Cite

Gautam, R. S., & Sing, B. M. S. (2020). Morpho-Anatomical Study of Leaves of Adhatoda vasica L. and Sambucus hookeri L. Growing in Kathmandu, Nepal . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 39(1), 32-39.