Seed Recalcitrance in Pisumsativum (Pea Crops): Challenges and  Solutions


  • Rishan Singh Research Media SR, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4001, South Africa



Breeding, Sensitivity, Drying, Viability, Cell death, Disease, genetic variability


Pea plants are an ideal crop to perform experiments relating to seed  relcalcitrance and orthodoxy, because they are a stable source of nutrients in  many communities. However, like with pineapple, strawberry and even  calabash plants, there are several challenges that arise with Pisumsativum. The  present contribution aims to widen our understanding of seed recalcitrance in  pea crops. In this article, the causes, consequences and solutions to various  issues pertaining to seed recalcitrance in Pisumsativum will be discussed. In  addition, mentioned will be made on storage conditions ideal to pea crops and  that are contrasting to orthodox seed behaviour.  


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How to Cite

Singh, R. . (2024). Seed Recalcitrance in Pisumsativum (Pea Crops): Challenges and  Solutions. Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 42(2), 95-98.