Modelling of Potential Distribution of Helichrysum nuratavicum Krasch (Asteraceae) in Uzbekistan


  • Alisher Nuralievich Khujanov Tashkent region, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.



Helichrysum Nuratavicum Krasch, areal, Temperature, precipitation, Climate, Potential, TASH, MaxEnt


The strong impact of climate change on the distribution of plant species on  Earth is currently of great interest in the field of biogeography. In this  research work, the endemic Helichrysum nuratavicum plant from the flora of  Uzbekistan was selected to be studied. For current and future climatic  scenarios for H. nuratavicum, the real and potential areal was assessed based  on high-precision environmental data, geographical distribution, ecology,  data of the National Herbarium of Uzbekistan (TASH) and the results of  scientific field research, annual precipitation and average temperature ratios  using Diva-GIS, Maxent program. In this case, the distribution was assessed  on the basis of environmental factors, and the areas with the most optimal  conditions were predicted according to climate change scenarios, the  distribution of the species rcp 8.5. Based on the climatic scenario, and also  the maps representing the distribution of the species were created. The  results of our research have shown that areas with an optimal climatic index  of the geographical area of the species will expand to the south in all future  scenarios. 


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How to Cite

Khujanov, A. N. (2021). Modelling of Potential Distribution of Helichrysum nuratavicum Krasch (Asteraceae) in Uzbekistan . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 40(2), 44-49.