HPTLC Quantification of Withaniasomnifera (L.) Dunal


  • Raman Preet ssistant Professor, Department of Botany, DAV College, Abohar, Punjab 152116, India
  • Lata Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh, India




Thin Layer Chromatography, Withaniasomnifera, Withaferin A, Withanolide A, Withanolide B


At present study a simple, selective, easy, robust, sensitive and precise method is  developed to investigate the outcomes of HPTLC for the simultaneous determination of  3 key withanolides, namely withaferin A, withanolide A and withanolide B in  Ashwagandha; Withaniasomnifera plant part samples. The method is analyzed  simultaneously on Camag aluminum per-coated silica gel 60-F254 HPTLC plates, using  toluene: ethylacetate:formic acid:ethanol (6:3:0.1:0.6 v/v/v/v) as mobile phase. The  Quantitative evaluation of withanolides was performed by densitometry in the  reflection-absorption mode at 530 nm. The method was validated for recovery,  precision, accuracy, robustness, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, and specificity  conferring to International Conference on Harmonization guidelines. Specificity of  quantification was confirmed using retention factor (Rf) values, UV Visual spectral  correlation, and electrospray ionization mass spectra of marker compounds in sample  tracks. This combination of techniques has been applied, for the first time, for the  estimation of withaferin-A, withanolide A and withanolide B in fruit, leaf, stem and  root parts samples of Withaniasomnifera. Present method may be beneficial in a quality  control setting as it would allow rapid qualitative analysis of herbal material while  sustaining accurate quantification of extract composition and can be used for routine  analysis as well as for quality control of raw materials and herbal formulations. 


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How to Cite

Preet, R., & Lata. (2022). HPTLC Quantification of Withaniasomnifera (L.) Dunal . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 41(2), 117-125. https://doi.org/10.48165/