Diversity of Zooplankton in the Paddy Fields of Imphal West District


  • Th Rajen Singh Moirang College, Moirang, Manipur 795133, India.
  • N Mohendra Singh D.M. College of Science, Imphal, Manipur 795001, India
  • Kh Rajmani Singh D.M. College of Science, Imphal, Manipur 795001, India




Paddy fields, Zooplankton, Imphal West


Diversity of zooplankton was studied in three selected paddy fields (PF) of Imphal  West District in Manipur namely, Wangoi (PF1), Hiyangthang (PF2), Mayang Imphal  (PF3) during August to October, 2020. The study revealed that altogether 55 taxa  comprising of 44 rotifera, 8 cladocera and only 3 copepoda (fig2) had occurred in the  three studied paddy fields. The highest number of zooplankton taxa (rotifer) was  observed at PF1followed by (cladocera) at PF3 and (copepoda) at PF2. Nine physico chemical parameters of water in the three study areas was also analysed The PH value  ranged between 6.0 and 8.0, Temperature between 27 and 300C, Dissolved oxygen  between 2.0 and 6.0mg/l, Free Carbondioxide between 3.0 and 11.0 mg/l, Chloride  between 3.0 and20.0 mg/l, Acidity between 5.0 and 18.0 mg/l, alkalinity between 22.0  and 95.0 mg/l, Nitrate between 0.03 and 0.06mg/l, and Nitrite between 0.01 and 0.05  mg/l. as observed during the investigation period (Table -3). 


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How to Cite

Rajen Singh, T., Mohendra Singh, N., & Rajmani Singh, K. (2022). Diversity of Zooplankton in the Paddy Fields of Imphal West District . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 41(2), 94-101. https://doi.org/10.48165/