New Collections and Observations on Gypsophila L. taxa in Türkiye


  • Hasan Özçelik S. Demirel Univ., Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, Isparta-Türkiye 0000-0002-0207-0921
  • Fevzi Özgökçe Van Yüzüncü Yıl Univ., Faculty of Science, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genethics, Van-Türkiye



Gypsophila, Gene Center, Phytogeography, Habitat indicator, GUL Hb


This study is carried out between 1994-2023 years in Türkiye. The Gypsophila is  a problematic and important genus that needs revision but will take several  years. In the article, geographical distributions, endemism, flowering and  fruiting months, habitat preffering, phytogeography and IUCN danger  category of Gypsophila taxa distributed in Türkiye are explained according to  field observations and herbaria records. Belonging to 51 taxa (47 species),  almost 980 collections from 400 localities were identified. Other 15 species not  carried out by us. The results presented here are based on informations of  Gypsophila taxa in the country. In the light of current information, there are a  total of 65 taxa belonging to 62 species in the country and these taxa named in  actual situation. 39 taxa of these plants are endemics to Türkiye. Almost 40  taxa from 62 species in Türkiye shows natural distribution in Eastern Anatolia  region. This situation shows that; 2/3 of Gypsophila taxa is in Eastern Anatolia  region and endemic. Irano-Turanian element ratio in the genus is higher than  this value. Species of the genus are distributed according to rock, climatic and  geographical region. 9 taxa are indicators of gypsum areas. Among the plants  in the paper Irano-Turanian elements 36, Saharo-Arabian element 1,  Mediterranean elements 7, Euro-Siberian elements 4, Euxine elements 2;  Cosmopolitan 1. Endemism; relict endemic 1, local and regional endemics 11,  other endemics 20, nonendemics 19 as rare 1 taxon. Distributions to  pytogeographical regions of endemic taxa as follows; endemic Irano-Turanian  elements 23, endemic Mediterranean elements 6 and endemic Euro-Siberian  elements 2. Weeds growing in fields are 4 taxa. There are new interesting  geographical distributions for almost 20 taxa. Distributions to life forms of the  taxa are Ch: 33, T: 14 and Chz: 4 taxa. Distributions to IUCN Threatened  Cathegories of the taxa are Lc: 19, CR: 10, VU: 9, cd: 8, EN: 4, NT: 1. These  two factors are dominant in the high level of endemism. 10 taxa in 0-500 m, 21  taxa in 500-1000 m, 26 taxa in 1000-1500 m, 24 taxa in 1500-2000 m, 17 taxa in  2000-2500 m, 7 taxa in 200-3000 m, 1 taxon in 3000-3500 m are naturally  growing and vertical distribution. 40 taxa on steppe vegetation and slopes, 18 


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Anonymous, 2023a.

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( 3. Anonymous, 2023c. /kew-2836793.

Anonymous, 2023d.

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How to Cite

Özçelik, H., & Özgökçe, F. (2024). New Collections and Observations on Gypsophila L. taxa in Türkiye. Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 42(2), 73-94.