GC MS – Analysis of Bio Active Compounds from Propolis and Antibacterial Activity against B.cereus Isolated from Tasar Silkworm Cadavers


  • Gudimalla Prashanthi Research Scholar, Department of Sericulture, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana 506009, India
  • Kuntamalla Sujatha Assistant Professor, Department of Sericulture, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana 506009, India




Propolis, GC – MS, Antibacterial, Bio active compounds, Chemical composition


Propolis is a sticky, non toxic, soft resinous substance produced by honey bees.  The chemical composition of propolis depends upon the collecting time,  location and plant source resulting in the biological activity variation. The aim  of this study was to analyze the chemical composition of propolis by using Gas  chromatography – Mass spectrometer. Bee propolis is a natural medication  applied topically and is considered to have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,  antibiotic, antioxidant properties and is used for treatment of many infections.  Propolis was found to be rich in alkaloids, saponins, tannins and resins. The  chemical characterization revealed the presence of 9 distinct phytochemical  compounds using GC – MS and the most predominant compound were S  Methyl – L – Cysteine (62.36%) followed by Cis – 2,3 – Epoxyoctane (31.78%).  The different concentrations of methanolic extracts of propolis showed varied  antibacterial activities against B. cereus with highest zone of inhibition (19.0  mm).  


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How to Cite

Prashanthi , G., & Sujatha, K. (2024). GC MS – Analysis of Bio Active Compounds from Propolis and Antibacterial Activity against B.cereus Isolated from Tasar Silkworm Cadavers . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 42(2), 65-72. https://doi.org/10.48165/bpas.2023.42B.2.2