Taxonomic Studies on Rosa damascena Miller Complex in Türkiye and Two New Species: Rosa stipulata, Rosa comantema


  • Bekir Yildirim Department of Plant and Animal Production, Burdur Food, Agriculture and Livestock Vocational School of Higher Education, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Türkiye
  • Hasan Ozcelik Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Türkiye



New species, Rosa comantema, Rosa damascena, Rosa stipulata, Oil roses, Taxonomy


Rosa damascena Miller known as ‘Oil rose, Isparta rose’ in Türkiye was a species  complex. It is considered to be formed by hybridization. There is not type  specimen and no exact description of it. Economic importance of the species is  very high. But, its systematic basis remained very weak. The study was  conducted between 2009-2016. In the study, it was aimed to examine samples  belonging to R. damascena found in Türkiye and to re-evaluate the taxonomical  status of its allied taxa. Totally 164 samples were collected from gardens in all  regions of Türkiye. The studies were conducted on herbarium materials and  observations of living samples in gardens. There were three varieties of R.  damascena in the country. These varieties were recorded as R. d. var.  trigintipetala, R. d. var. semperflorens, and R. d. var. versicolor. However, there  were no identification keys, descriptions, and type specimens of the varieties.  In this study, R. damascena (including var. trigintipetala) has been redefined  and its taxonomical foundation strengthened. Other varieties (var.  semperflorens and var. versicolor) have been upgraded to the species category  and renamed as Rosa stipulata sp. nov., Rosa comantema sp. nov.,  respectively to systematical rules. Lectotype of R. damascena was created and  its current description was prepared. Our studies on the naming, description,  and classification of cultivars continue.  


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How to Cite

Yildirim, B., & Ozcelik, H. (2024). Taxonomic Studies on Rosa damascena Miller Complex in Türkiye and Two New Species: Rosa stipulata, Rosa comantema . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany, 42(2), 50-64.