
  • Lalit Mohan Upadhyaya Department of Mathematics, Municipal Post Graduate College, Mussoorie, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India - 248179.



Upadhyaya transform, Laplace transform, Laplace-Carson transform, Sumudu transform, Elzaki transform, Kashuri and Fundo transform, Mahgoub transform, ZZ- transform, Sadik transform, Kamal transform, Natural transform, Mohand transform, Aboodh transform, Ramadan Group transform, Shehu transform, Sawi transform, Tarig transform, Yang transform


Through this introductory paper we announce to the worldwide mathematics community a new type of  integral transform, which we call the Upadhyaya Integral Transform or, the Upadhyaya transform (UT), in  short. The new transform which we propose to proclaim through this paper, is, in fact a generalized form of  the celebrated Laplace transform. The power of this generalization is that this most general form of the  Laplace transform generalizes and unifies, besides the classical Laplace transform and the Laplace-Carson  transform, most of the very recently introduced integral transforms of this category like, the Sumudu  transform, the Elzaki transform, the Kashuri and Fundo transform, the Mahgoub transform, the ZZtransform, the Sadik transform, the Kamal transform, the Natural transform, the Mohand transform, the  Aboodh transform, the Ramadan Group transform, the Shehu transform, the Sawi transform, the Tarig  transform, the Yang transform, etc. We develop the general theory of the Upadhyaya transform in a way which exactly parallels the existing theory of the classical Laplace transform and also provide a number of  possible generalizations of this transform and thus we prepare a firm ground for future researches in this  field by employing this most generalized, versatile and robust form of the classical Laplace transform – the  Upadhyaya transform – in almost all the areas wherever, the classical Laplace transform and its various  aforementioned variants are currently being employed for solving the vast multitude of problems arising in  the areas of applied mathematics, mathematical physics and engineering sciences and other possible fields  of study inside and outside the realm of mathematics.  


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How to Cite

Upadhyaya , L.M. (2019). INTRODUCING THE UPADHYAYA INTEGRAL TRANSFORM. Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 38(1), 471–510.