Fuzzy bitopological spaces, (δi, δj) F-γ-open, (δi, δj) F-γ-semi-preopen, (δi, δj) F-γ- semi-preclosed, (δi, δj) F-γ-semi-pre neighbourhood, (δi, δj) F-γ-semi-pre q- neighbourhood, (δi,δj) F-γ-semi-preinterior, (δi,δj) F-γ-semi-preclosureAbstract
This article proposes the concept of fuzzy gamma semi-preopen (respectively, fuzzy gamma semi-preclosed) sets in fuzzy bitopological spaces, which is weaker than the concept of fuzzy strongly semiopen (respectively, fuzzy strongly semiclosed) set, fuzzy semi-preopen (respectively, fuzzy semi-preclosed) set, fuzzy semiopen (respectively, fuzzy semiclosed) set, fuzzy preopen (respectively, fuzzy preclosed) set, fuzzy gamma open (respectively, fuzzy gamma closed) set, fuzzy gamma semiopen (respectively, fuzzy gamma semiclosed) set and fuzzy gamma preopen (respectively, fuzzy gamma preclosed) set in fuzzy bitopological spaces. This paper examines the aspects and attributes of fuzzy gamma semi-preopen (respectively, fuzzy gamma semi preclosed) sets with examples and investigates the relationship between these concepts and relevant concepts in fuzzy bitopological spaces. This article introduces the definition of fuzzy gamma semi-pre neighbourhood and fuzzy gamma semi-pre q- neighbourhood. Further, it characterizes fuzzy gamma semi-preinterior and fuzzy gamma semi-preclosure and establishes their fundamental properties.
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