
  • Thangaraj Beaula Associate Professor, P.G. & Research Department of Mathematics, T.B.M.L. College, Porayar, Tamil Nadu 609 307, India.
  • P Jayasingh Manohar Research Scholar, P.G. & Research Department of Mathematics, T.B.M.L. College, Porayar, Tamil Nadu 609 307, India.



2-fuzzy Hausdorff metric, 2-fuzzy compact


In this paper the concept of completeness induced by the Hausdorff metric is studied and the 2-fuzzy  compactness induced by the Hausdorff metric is also discussed. 


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How to Cite

Beaula, T., & Manohar, P.J. (2019). COMPLETENESS OF HAUSDORFF INDUCED 2-FUZZY METRIC SPACE . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 38(1), 222–230.