
  • S R Barbhuiya Department of Mathematics, Srikishan Sarda College, Hailakandi, Assam 788151, India.
  • A K Dutta Department of Mathematics, D.H.S.K. College, Dibrugarh, Assam 786001, India.



CI-algebra, Interval-valued fuzzy set, Cubic set, Cubic subalgebra, Cubic filters, Translation, Multiplication, Extension


In this paper, we introduce the concept of translation and multiplication of cubic subalgebras and  cubic filters of CI-algebras and investigate some of their basic properties. The notion of cubic extensions of  cubic subalgebras and cubic filters is also introduced and several related properties are investigated.  


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How to Cite

Barbhuiya, S.R., & Dutta, A.K. (2019). TRANSLATIONS AND MULTILICATIONS OF JUN’S CUBIC SETS IN CUBIC SUBALGEBRAS AND CUBIC FILTERS OF CI-ALGEBRAS . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 38(1), 135–154.