Disease Mapping, Poisson-Gamma model, Relative risk, Spatial Distribution, Standardized Incidence Ratio/ Standardized Morbidity RatioAbstract
Cancer is known to be one of the leading causes of mortality in the world. There were about 14.1 million incidences and 8.2 million deaths due to cancer globally. In terms of mouth cancer Age Standardized Rate is 4.0 per 100000 populations worldwide and 7.2 per 100000 populations in India. In Chennai, mouth cancer burden has significantly increased over the past decade irrespective of geographical region. In this paper, the mouth cancer incidence is used to analyze the spatial distribution for high risk and low risk areas of different zones in Chennai by gender for the period of 2004-2013. The aim of this study is to fit a Poisson Gamma model and to explore the Empirical Bayesian and frequentist approach for disease mapping of mouth cancer incidence for Chennai zones by sex. The results of the estimates reveal that the empirical Bayesian estimate is more stable than the conventional frequentist estimates.
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