A mixed quadrature rule of modified Birkhoff-Young rule and SM2(f) rule for the numerical integration of analytic functions ∗


  • Sanjit Kumar Mohanty Department of Mathematics, B.S. College, Nuahat, Jajpur, Odisha 754024, India.




Quadrature rule, Asymptotic error, Analytic function, Numerical in tegration, Modified Birkhoff-Young rule, Richardson Extrapolation, SM2 (f), SM6 (f), ESM2, ESM6


A quadrature rule of higher precision is constructed in this paper by mixing two quadrature rules of lower precision for an approximate evaluation of the integral of an analytic function over a line segment in the complex plane. An asymptotic error estimate of the rule is also determined and the rule is numerically verified. 


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How to Cite

Mohanty, S. K. (2020). A mixed quadrature rule of modified Birkhoff-Young rule and SM2(f) rule for the numerical integration of analytic functions ∗ . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 39(2), 271–276. https://doi.org/10.48165/