Odd graceful labeling for the jewel graph and the extended jewel graph without the prime edge ∗


  • J Jeba Jesintha P.G. Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • N K Vinodhini Department of Mathematics, Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Shahina Munavar Hussain P.G. Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.




Odd graceful labeling, Jewel graph, Extended Jewel graph


R.B. Gnanajothi (Topics in Graph Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, 1991) introduced odd graceful labeling. A func tion f is called an odd graceful labeling of a graph G if f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2, ..., 2q − 1} is injective and the induced function f: E(G) → {1, 3, ..., 2q − 1} defined as f(e = uv) = |f(u) − f(v)| is bijective. A graph which admits an odd graceful labeling is called an odd graceful graph. Many results exist on odd graceful labeling. The concept of odd graceful labeling is implemented in the areas of coding theory. 

In this paper we prove that the jewel graph Jn and the extended jewel graph EJn,m without the prime edge is odd graceful.


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How to Cite

Jesintha, J. J., Vinodhini, N. K., & Hussain, S. M. (2020). Odd graceful labeling for the jewel graph and the extended jewel graph without the prime edge ∗ . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 39(2), 212–217. https://doi.org/10.48165/