On some generating relations involving generalized Humbert functions


  • Ayman Shehata Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Arts at Unaizah, Qassim University, Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Shimaa I Moustafa Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt.
  • Lalit Mohan Upadhyaya Department of Mathematics, Municipal Post Graduate College, Mussoorie, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248179, India.
  • A Kamal Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt.




Humbert functions, generating functions, recurrences relations


The main objective of this paper is to construct new analogous definitions of the families of Humbert functions using the generating function method as the starting point. We study a class of various results in the family of Humbert functions with the help of the families of generating functions, explicit representations, especially differential recurrence relations and study some of the significant properties of this family of func tions.


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How to Cite

Shehata, A., Moustafa, S. I., Upadhyaya, L. M., & Kamal, A. (2020). On some generating relations involving generalized Humbert functions . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 39(1), 102–110. https://doi.org/10.48165/