Dual and perfect sequence and function space ∗


  • Krishnandan Prasad Department of Mathematics, T.P.S.College, Patliputra University, Patna, Bihar, India.
  • Amar Nath Kumar Department of Mathematics, Patna Science College, Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India.




Linear Space, Sequence Space, Dual space of sequence space, Perfect sequence space, Function space, Dual space of function space, Perfect function space


In this work we develop the study of sequence spaces and dual space of sequence spaces, by establishing some of the results. We also extend our study by es tablishing a few results in the case of function spaces and dual space of function space analogous to that for sequence spaces. Our effort in this paper is to make a comparative study of sequence and function spaces by proving some results. In the course of estab lishing some of the results we observed that by changing the technical results we can also establish the results for function spaces analogous to that for sequence spaces. The reason behind this is that in the study of sequences and sequence spaces we deal with positive integers whereas in the study of functions and function spaces we play with variables. From the theorems established in this paper it is clear that the behaviors of some of the sequence and function spaces are almost identical although their methods of proofs differ. 


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How to Cite

Prasad, K., & Kumar, A. N. (2020). Dual and perfect sequence and function space ∗ . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 39(1), 37–45. https://doi.org/10.48165/