Application of the Upadhyaya transform to Volterra integral equations of the first kind ∗


  • Adil Mousa Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Omdurman Islamic University, Khartoum, Sudan.



Upadhyaya transform, Inverse Upadhyaya transform, Volterra integral equation, Convolution theorem, Bessel function


The application of the methods of integral transforms has tremendously increased during the past many years for finding the exact solutions and the numeri cal solutions of many new problems arising in the fields of engineering and applied sci ences. Some two years back the Upadhyaya transform (https://www.researchgate. net/publication/334033797) was introduced as the most powerful generalization and the most powerful unification of a number of existing variants of the classical Laplace transform occurring in the mathematics research literature. In this paper we apply the Upadhyaya transform for solving the Volterra integral equations of the first kind. Our analysis leads to the conclusion that the Upadhyaya transform is a very powerful tool for finding the solutions to the Volterra integral of the first kind. 


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Adil Mousa

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How to Cite

Mousa, A. (2021). Application of the Upadhyaya transform to Volterra integral equations of the first kind ∗ . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 40(2), 140–148.