On the degenerate Elzaki transform ∗


  • A. Kalavathi Department of Mathematics, Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College for Women (Autonomous), Palani Road, Udumalpet, Tamil Nadu-642128, India.
  • T Kohila Post Graduate Student, Department of Mathematics, Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College for Women (Autonomous), Palani Road, Udumalpet, Tamil Nadu-642128, India
  • Lalit Mohan Upadhyaya Department of Mathematics, Municipal Post Graduate College, Mussoorie, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248179, India.




degenerate Elzaki transform, Upadhyaya transform, degenerate Upad hyaya transform


Based on the Fourier transform, Elzaki in 2011 (Tarig M.Elzaki, The new integral transform ffElzaki transformff, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 7(1), 57–64 (2011)) defined the Elzaki transform. Motivated by the work Kim and Kim (Taekyun Kim and Dae San Kim, Degenerate Laplace transform and degenerate gamma function, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 24(2), 241–248 (2017)) on the intro duction of the degenerate Laplace transform, in this paper, we introduce the degenerate ELzaki transform and investigate some of its properties and relations. In particular we find the degenerate Elzaki transforms of the degenerate sine, the degenerate cosine, the degenerate hyperbolic sine and the degenerate hyperbolic cosine functions. Moreover, we investigate a scale preserving theorem for the degenerate Elzaki transform and establish that the degenerate Elzaki transform is a theoretical dual transform to the degenerate Laplace transform. 


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How to Cite

Kalavathi, A., Kohila, T., & Upadhyaya, L. M. (2021). On the degenerate Elzaki transform ∗ . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 40(1), 99–107. https://doi.org/10.48165/