Cooperative game theory approaches to manage traffic congestion in wireless networK


  • Avinash Singh Department of Computer Science, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273009, India.
  • A k Maurya Department of Computer Science, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273009, India.
  • Surya Pratap Singh Department of Computer Science, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273009, India.
  • Himanshu Pandey Department of Mathematics and Statistics, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273009, India.
  • Upendra Nath Tripathi Department of Computer Science, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273009, India.



Congestion, bandwidth, game theory, communication


Abstract Presently more and more advanced technology enabled mobile devices are in demand and the numbers of their users are also increasing day by day. These mobile devices having so many features assembled in them demand various types of services and larger bandwidth requirements from cellular operators for their users. For satisfying the demands of their subscribers the service providers are continuously trying to introduce the newer upgraded technologies. Today the user is using so many devices having dif ferent service requirements and various capacities enabled wireless networks at the same time. Collectively all these requirements together put tremendous stress on the network traffic and this situation often leads to network congestions. Congestion is a point at which the network resources of the service provider experience stress and all services are degraded and they often collapse after some time. In the cellular network the resources are uniformly distributed but some networks are heavily loaded and others are less. So some have shortages and they need to cooperate with their adjacent neighbors, but many neighbors having their own sufficient resources are many a times not willing to cooper ative with the lesser efficient ones. To solve this issue we propose a noble cooperative approach based congestion management scheme in this paper that minimizes congestion in a network. Our prime motive is to minimize the congestion level so that the new call and handoff calls are to be served. In this schema we can reduce the congestion so that the resources are utilized effectively to satisfy the users’ demands and the qualities of services delivered are also improved. 


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Avinash Singh, A.K. Maurya, Surya Pratap Singh, Himanshu Pandey and Upendra Nath Tripathi

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How to Cite

Singh, A., Maurya, A. k, Singh, S. P., Pandey, H., & Tripathi, U. N. (2021). Cooperative game theory approaches to manage traffic congestion in wireless networK. Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 40(1), 1–13 .