Chromatic Numbers of Hypergraphs


  • G Kavitha Assistant Professor, Selvamm Arts and Science College, Namakkal, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu 637003, India.



Hyper graph, Bipartite Graph, Edge Cut, Node Cut, Chromatic Number and k-colourable


Positive integers m1, m2, . . . , mk are studied in this work. If and merely if G can be articulated as the edge k disjoint union of Subgraphs (SGs) Fi, fulfilling χ(Fi) ≤ mi, any graph G possess χ(G) ≤ ∏m. By appropriate  i = 1interpretations, the subsequent theorem is generalized to Hypergraphs (HGs) to infer propositions on the graph’s  coverings.  


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How to Cite

Kavitha, G. (2022). Chromatic Numbers of Hypergraphs . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 41(1), 100-103.