Global Strong Domination in ��- Cut Diminish Fuzzy Graph ����(����, ����) by ��- Cut Strong Arc


  • V Senthilkumar Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, CPA College, Bodinayakanur, Tamil Nadu 625582, India.



Cut diminsh fuzzy graph, Cut strong arc, Cut non strong arc, complement ofα Cut, Cut Strong arc domination, Cut strong global domination


In this paper, an innovative concept of ��- Cut diminish fuzzy graph ����(����, ����) and ��- Cut strong arc of ��- Cut  diminish Fuzzy graph are introduced in the new domain. Further complement of ��- Cut diminish fuzzy graph  are discussed with new approach. Definition of ��- Cut strong domination and Global Strong domination in ��- Cut diminish fuzzy graph are also introduced by ��- Cut strong arc. Moreover, some standard theorems and  related results in Global domination of ��- Cut diminish fuzzy graph are presented with suitable example of  Standard ��- Cut diminish fuzzy graph.  


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How to Cite

Senthilkumar, V. (2022). Global Strong Domination in ��- Cut Diminish Fuzzy Graph ����(����, ����) by ��- Cut Strong Arc . Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics, 41(1), 81-87.