
  • Neha Rana Department of Foods & Nutrition, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar – 125 004, Haryana (India)
  • Saroj Dahiya Department of Foods & Nutrition, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar – 125 004, Haryana (India)



Antioxidant content, biscuits, marjoram, nutritional composition, sensory evaluation


This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of varying proportions of  some flour mixtures on sensory properties of biscuits; and the most acceptable types of biscuits were assessed for their nutritional properties.  Based on organoleptic evaluation, it was found that the biscuits developed  from blanched pearl millet: sorghum: germinated mung bean in ratio of  40:30:30 (Type III) and with marjoram or Marwa (Origanum majorana L.) leaf powder. Type VI (in ratio of 35:30:30:5) composite flours were the most  acceptable products. Nutritional evaluation of value-added biscuits revealed that Type-III biscuits had higher moisture (11.56%) and crude protein  (11.56%), while crude fibre (3.89%) and ash (1.08%) contents were higher  in Type-VI biscuits. Dietary fibre and mineral contents were maximum in Type-VI biscuits. Type-IIIavailability of calcium (59.69%). Phytic acid and polyphenol contents were  higher in Type III biscuits. The antioxidant activity was maximum in Type VI biscuits.


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