In Vitro Iron Bioaccessibility From Traditional Legume Preparations Of Rural And Urban Households Of Punjab (India)


  • Pardeep Kaur Department of Food and Nutrition, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India
  • Kiran Bains Department of Food and Nutrition, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India
  • Harpreet Kaur Department of Food and Nutrition, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India



Cooking, dialyzable iron, legumes, iron bioaccessibility, total iron, soaking


Five most consumed legumes by rural and urban households of Punjab  (India) were evaluated for total iron, dialyzable iron and in vitro iron  bioaccessibility. In vitro iron bioaccessibility varied from 3.07 to 9.72%  in rural households and 2.78 to 6.39% in urban households. In rural  households, iron bioaccessibility was maximum for white chickpeas  (9.72%) followed by whole mungbean + mothbean(8.56%) and  dehusked Bengal gram (8.41%). The least bioaccessibility was in Bengal  gram (3.07%) followed by dehusked mungbean + dehusked lentil  (3.51%). In urban households, iron bioaccessibility was maximum in  dehusked Bengal gram (6.39%), followed by white chickpea (4.45%)  and kidney bean (4.19%) Least bioaccessibility was in whole mungbean  (2.67%) and dehusked mungbean + dehusked lentil (2.78%). The average  iron bioaccessibility of legume preparations was higher in rural house holds than in urban households which may be attributed to the variation  in food preparation practices. 


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How to Cite

In Vitro Iron Bioaccessibility From Traditional Legume Preparations Of Rural And Urban Households Of Punjab (India) . (2016). Applied Biological Research, 18(1), 53-60.