Modeling And Quality Assessment Of Moringa Oleifera Leaves Under Different Drying Conditions


  • Dawn C P Ambrose Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering – Regional Centre, Veerakeralam Road, Sugarcane Breeding Institute Post, Coimbatore 641 007, Tamil Nadu (India)
  • Alice L Daunty Mcrennet Foods, Anna Nagar East, Chennai -102, Tamil Nadu (India)
  • Ravindra Naik Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering – Regional Centre, Veerakeralam Road, Sugarcane Breeding Institute Post, Coimbatore 641 007, Tamil Nadu (India)



Biochemical constituents, colour, drying kinetics, mathematical modeling, Moringa leaves, quality


Moringa oleifera leaves because of high nutrition content are consumed  both in fresh and dried form. In order to find the effect of drying under  conventional and controlled conditions on kinetics and quality of dried  leaves, freshly harvested, mechanically stripped and washed Moringa  leaves were dried by different drying methods viz., sun, shade, solar,  vacuum and cabinet drying (45, 50, 55 and 60°C). The drying datapplied to five mathematical models to find out the best fit. The effect of  drying on colour and biochemical constituents of Moringa leaves was  studied. Study revealed that drying rate increased with drying time.  Among the different models, Wang & Singh gave the best fit by higher  R2 and lesser χ2 values. The quality analysis of dried Moringa leaves  vealed that cabinet drying at 50°C resulted in better quality in terms  of colour and nutrient content.  


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How to Cite

Modeling And Quality Assessment Of Moringa Oleifera Leaves Under Different Drying Conditions . (2016). Applied Biological Research, 18(1), 8-15.