Performance Appraisal Of Zoxamide In Combination With Cymoxanil And Mancozeb In Combating The Blight Diseases Of Tomato


  • Sujoy Saha Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR- Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Post Bag No. 01, P.O. Jakhini, Varanasi – 22 1305, Uttar Pradesh (India)
  • N D Ashtekar Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR-Nation Research Centre for Grapes, Post Bag No. 03, P.O. Manjri Farm, Solapur Road, Pune – 412 307, Maharashtra (India)
  • A B Rai Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR- Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Post Bag No. 01, P.O. Jakhini, Varanasi – 22 1305, Uttar Pradesh (India)
  • B K Sharma Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR- Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Post Bag No. 01, P.O. Jakhini, Varanasi – 22 1305, Uttar Pradesh (India)



Blight disease, resistance, synergistic effect, tomato, zoxamide


Early and late blight are the two major biological constraints that hamper the  yield and quality of tomato. Twelve different treatments, comprising of solo  and combination doses of zoxamide with cymoxanil and mancozeb were  evaluated against these diseases for two consecutive rabi seasons. The pooled  data revealed that in these two seasons, the combination of zoxamide 33% +  cymoxanil 33% WP at the dose of 600 g ha-1 gave best control of both early  and late blight diseases as compared to untreated check, manifesting 68.7 and  77.5% control, respectively. Similarly, the combination of zoxamide 8.3% +  mancozeb 66.7% WP @ 2500 g ha-1 gave best control of both the diseases as  compared to untreated check manifesting a control of 62.5 and 65.3%, respectively. None of the doses of zoxamide 8.3% + mancozeb 66.7% WP and  zoxamide 33% + cymoxanil 33% WP was phytotoxic to tomato plants. 


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How to Cite

Performance Appraisal Of Zoxamide In Combination With Cymoxanil And Mancozeb In Combating The Blight Diseases Of Tomato . (2017). Applied Biological Research, 19(2), 209-214.