Antioxidant Activities And Quantification Of Anthocyanins In Some Coloured Grape Hybrids


  • Tanushree Sahoo Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi - 110 012 (India)
  • M K Verma Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi - 110 012 (India)
  • S K Singh Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology,ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi - 110 012 (India)
  • Madhubala Thakre Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology,ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi - 110 012 (India)
  • Shruti Sethi Division of Food Science and Post-Harvest Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi - 110 012 (India)
  • Supradip Saha Division of Agricultural Chemicals, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, PUSA, New Delhi - 110 012 (India)



Antioxidants, anthocyanins, FRAP, grape, HPLC


Anthocyanins, the flavonoid group of polyphenols, is in great demand as an  important food constituent, mainly due to its health promoting attributes.  The present study was undertaken with 11 newly developed coloured grape  hybrids at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi (India). Efforts were made to identify  and quantify different anthocyanin fractions. HPLC chromatogram revealed ten different peaks belonging to anthocyanins, which varied significantly  from 37.68 to 247.68 µg g-1in terms of C3G equivalent. The maximum peak  height was at peak-5, which represents malvidin-3-glucoside. Maximum  anthocyanin content was in grape hybrid ‘Hy.16/2A-R1 P18’. The anti oxidant activities of hybrids were measured by FRAP assay. The hybrid  ‘Hy.16/2A-R1P19’ was found the most potent antioxidant rich genotype in  terms of FRAP. The potential genotypes identified in terms of high bioactive contents can be helpful in protection against various chronic diseases. 


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How to Cite

Antioxidant Activities And Quantification Of Anthocyanins In Some Coloured Grape Hybrids . (2019). Applied Biological Research, 21(1), 58-64.