Correlation And Path Coefficient Analysis Of Some Economic Traits In Mahua (Madhuca Indica J.F. Gmel.)


  • Nidhi Mehta Forest Research Institute Deemed to be University, Dehradun, Uttra Khand (India)
  • Fatima Shirin Tropical Forest Research Institute, P.O. – R.F.R.C., Mandla Road, Jabalpur – 482 021, Madhya Pradesh (India)



Correlation coefficient, mahua, path coefficient, tree   improvement


One hundred and sixty phenotypically superior mahua (Madhuca indica)  trees from eastern Madhya Pradesh (India) were intensively assessed for  19 phenotypic traits of mahua tree, flowers and fruits. The correlation and  path coefficient of phenotypic traits were established for use in tree  improvement of this species. The flower dry weight was found positively  and significantly (p<0.01) correlated with flower width (0.69), flower  length (0.62) and flower fresh weight (0.55). Fruit and seed characters  depicted significant and positive correlation with each other. The residual  effect (R) of path analysis indicated that the studied characters contributed  to about 73% of flower dry weight. Traits of flower dry and fresh weight,  flower width, flower length, fruit weight, seed weight, reducing sugars,  crown height and girth at breast height need to be given emphasis in the  selection criteria for tree improvement of mahua. 



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How to Cite

Correlation And Path Coefficient Analysis Of Some Economic Traits In Mahua (Madhuca Indica J.F. Gmel.) . (2020). Applied Biological Research, 22(3), 253-260.