Effect Of Dietary Supplementation Of L-Carnitine On Serum Lipid Profile And Antioxidant Status In Broiler Chicken Fed With Animal Fat-Rich Diet


  • P Murali Veterinary University Training and Research Centre, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Cuddalore – 607 001, Tamil Nadu (India)
  • S K George Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Trichur - 680 651, Kerala (India)
  • George Dominic Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Trichur - 680 651, Kerala (India)




Broiler chicks, L-carnitine, reduced glutathione, serum cholesterol, superoxide dismutase


A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of L-carnitine  supplementation on serum lipid profile and antioxidant status of broilers  fed with animal fat-based diet. Eighty days old straight run commercial  broiler chicks (Vencobb) were randomly grouped into two treatment groups  with four replications of ten chicks each. The rations were prepared with  5% animal fat. One group was supplemented with 900 mg L-carnitine kg-1 feed. The L-carnitine supplementation significantly reduced the serum  cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels; whereas serum triglyceride, HDL cholesterol and VLDL-cholesterol levels didn’t show any significant  changes. The serum reduced-glutathione and superoxide dismutase  concentrations were significantly higher in L-carnitine supplemented  group. The study revealed that the supplementation of L carnitine not only  improves the immune status but also decreases the serum cholesterol and  LDL cholesterol level in broiler birds. 


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How to Cite

Effect Of Dietary Supplementation Of L-Carnitine On Serum Lipid Profile And Antioxidant Status In Broiler Chicken Fed With Animal Fat-Rich Diet . (2020). Applied Biological Research, 22(2), 134-138. https://doi.org/10.48165/