Physiological Cost And Subjective Assessment Of Rice Transplanters For Women Operators


  • Bini Sam Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara – 691 531, Kerala (India)



Energy expenditure, ergonomics, heart rate, rice transplanters, women workers


Several models of rice transplanters are available in the market to ease the  transplanting work. However, the safety and efficiency aspects of these  transplanters with respect to women workers has not been studied.  Therefore, the present study was aimed to ergonomically evaluate the  commercially available three models of rice transplanters viz., Redlands 8  row riding type transplanter, Mahindra 4 row walking type transplanter  and Manual 2 row transplanter. A significant variation in heart rate and  energy expenditure in the operation of different models of transplanters was  observed. Heart rate was lowest in Redlands 8 row riding type transplanter  (110.5 beats min-1) and maximum in traditional method of transplanting  (148.5 beats min-1). The average heart rate before 9 am was 119.9 beats min-1  whereas after 11 am it increased to 142.8 beats min-1. Overall discomfort score  varied from 3.0 to 8.4 and were scaled as " light discomfort" to "more than  moderate discomfort" for selected operations. The body part discomfort score  was maximum (46.8) in transplanting manually and minimum in  transplanting with Redlands 8 row riding type transplanter (20.15). The  work rest cycle was 30 min work followed by 2 min rest for Redlands 8 row  riding type rice transplanter, 9 min rest for Mahindra walking type, 12 min  rest for manual transplanter and 14 min rest for traditional method. Based  on these results it was found that 8 row riding type transplanter was more  suitable and ergonomically comfortable for the women operators. 


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How to Cite

Physiological Cost And Subjective Assessment Of Rice Transplanters For Women Operators . (2020). Applied Biological Research, 22(2), 93-101.