Assessment Of Acute Toxicity And Fecundity Efficiency Of Eudrilus Eugeniae Earthworms Exposed To Textile Dye Effluent


  • S Kowsalya PG & Research Department of Zoology, J.K.K. Nataraja College of Arts and Science (affiliated to Periyar University, Salem), Namakkal - 638 186, Tamil Nadu (India)
  • S Umavathi PG & Research Department of Zoology, J.K.K. Nataraja College of Arts and Science (affiliated to Periyar University, Salem), Namakkal - 638 186, Tamil Nadu (India)
  • Y Thangam PG & Research Department of Zoology, J.K.K. Nataraja College of Arts and Science (affiliated to Periyar University, Salem), Namakkal - 638 186, Tamil Nadu (India)
  • V Sathish PG & Research Department of Zoology, J.K.K. Nataraja College of Arts and Science (affiliated to Periyar University, Salem), Namakkal - 638 186, Tamil Nadu (India)
  • S Sudha PG & Research Department of Zoology, J.K.K. Nataraja College of Arts and Science (affiliated to Periyar University, Salem), Namakkal - 638 186, Tamil Nadu (India)



Bioindicators, ecotoxicology, Eudrilus eugeniae, growth & fecundity sub-lethal effects, textile dye effluent


The focus of this study was to investigate the acute toxicity, growth and survival  esponses of earthworm species Eudrilus eugeniae, exposed to textile dye  effluent. The textile dye effluent samples were collected from Erode, Tamil Nadu (India) and analysed for physicochemical parameters and heavy metal content.  The effluent samples were used in subsequent toxicity and biochemical tests on  eugeniae. Garden soil was used incomprehensive study on the behaviour of  eugeniae. The natural soil test method was used to expose the epigeic earth worm species E. eugeniae to varying concentrations (5 to 25 mL kg-1) of textile  effluent for 7 and 14 days. The results revealed that the LC50 values of textile  effluent were 26.55 and 6.586 mL kg-1 after 7 and 14 days, respectively. The lethal  effects oftextile effluentwere assessedby exposingearthwormsto5 concentrations  5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mL kg-1) of LC50 of textile effluent for 28 days to record  fecundity and growth rates. Maximum growth of earthworms was observed in  control group (10.12 cm length and 6.04 g weight) while effluent-treated  earthworms showed reduced growth with increased effluent concentration  affecting the growth more severely. A lower number of cocoons and young ones  (31.4 cocoons and 107.4 young ones) were observed in high concentration (25 mL  kg-1) of textile effluent in comparison to the control group (65.6 cocoons and  306.4 young ones). The study revealed that textile effluents cause potential health  risk to E. eugeniae if exposed to high concentrations.  


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How to Cite

Assessment Of Acute Toxicity And Fecundity Efficiency Of Eudrilus Eugeniae Earthworms Exposed To Textile Dye Effluent . (2023). Applied Biological Research, 25(3), 319-329.