Associative Effect Of Cereals And Oil Cakes In Concentrate  Supplements And Complete Diet For Ruminants On In Vitro Fermentation Kinetics


  • Alok Pratap Singh Dairy Production Section, National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University), Southern Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 030 (India)
  • Bandla Srinivas Dairy Production Section, National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University), Southern Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 030 (India)



Fermentation kinetics, feedstuffs, fortification, gas production, ruminants


Fermentation of grains in dairy ration along with oil seed meals (OSM)  and urea-mineral-salt (UMS) fortification was studied using first order  kinetic model of in vitro gas production (IVGP). Non-reducing sugars in  OSM were 6% as compared to 1-3% in grains. Fermentation of oats was  steadier than maize or sorghum. Addition of UMS to a dairy cow ration  had no impact on IVGP of grains and OSM, and affected the initiation of  fermentation but not in groundnut cake. When soya meal was added to  grains alongwith UMS, the maize fermentation became steadier and comparable to oats, while spurt of IVGP was observed with sorghum at 7  UMS fortification reduced methane in the IVGP only in grains but not  in OSM. Study indicated that maize was a good source of grain on urea based diets compared to sorghum or oats. Addition of natural source of  protein as OSM was essential when UMS is added in concentrate  supplements.  


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How to Cite

Associative Effect Of Cereals And Oil Cakes In Concentrate  Supplements And Complete Diet For Ruminants On In Vitro Fermentation Kinetics. (2012). Applied Biological Research, 14(2), 131-137.